Community Involvement

Photo: President Preckwinkle with Mayor Gonzalez of Chicago Heights and volunteers.
National Rebuilding Day (April 27, 2019) brought dozens of Cook County employees who volunteered their time and skills today to help repair two homes in south suburban Chicago Heights.
It was the County’s 28th consecutive year of participation in the event, also known as “Rebuilding Together.”
Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago partners annually with Cook County to improve the homes of elderly, disabled or low-income residents. Through the work of volunteers and skilled tradesmen, the homes are made safe, warm, dry and accessible for the residents.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle praised County employees for generously donating their time and expertise.
“I am pleased and proud that so many of our Cook County employees are willing to give their time to improving the living conditions of County residents,” said Preckwinkle, who serves as honorary chair of Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago. “Rebuilding Together serves a critical role in making sure the homes of our friends and neighbors are safe and comfortable.”
The County contributed $62,000 to Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago this year through its Community Development Block Grant program. The County is sponsoring two of the 17 homes in Chicago Heights being repaired by volunteers through the Rebuilding Together program this year. In addition, eight homes are receiving safety modifications and repairs. More than 1,800 Chicago-area homes have been renovated through the program since its inception in 1991.
President Preckwinkle toured the Chicago Heights homes renovated by County volunteers.
Improvements to the homes included patching and painting, updating bathrooms and kitchens, landscaping and performing needed repairs to vital systems such as plumbing and electrical.
“Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago is proud to partner with Cook County, which has been a consistent and valued supporter for the past 28 years,” said Wanda Ramirez, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago. “We greatly appreciate the continuing participation of Cook County employees who donate their time, energy and skills for the benefit of others, and for the wonderful leadership of President Toni Preckwinkle for serving as an honorary chair of this organization and supporting our annual event.”
In addition to County employees, tradesmen from unions across the County assisted in repairing the County-sponsored homes, including the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 134, Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Union Local 130, Laborers International Union of North America Local 1092, Chicago and Northeast District Council of Carpenters, Painters District Council Local 14, Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen Local 21, Teamsters Local 700, Equipment Operators Local 150, Carpenters Local 13, Ironworkers Local 63, Glaziers Union Local 27,Operating Engineers Local 399 and SEIU. Along with Cook County, sponsors of home repairs in Chicago Heights include Arquitectos, Inc., AIA Chicago, C.J. Erickson Plumbing Co., Windy City Women’s Charity Club, Grace Lutheran Church, Structural Engineers Association of Illinois, Lendlease, First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn, Our Lady of the Woods, WIGiv, TransUnion, CFMA and CLAYCO.
Additional information about Rebuilding Together of Metro Chicago and its programs is available by visiting