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Building and Construction
Transportation and Highways
ADA Title II Transition Plan
In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (DoTH) h…
Environment and Sustainability
Asbestos Abatement Contractor Registration
Permits: You may apply for asbestos removal or demolition permits or submit reports online, using links in the menu to the right. However pr…
Environment and Sustainability
Asbestos Abatement Permitting
Asbestos Abatement PermitsAn Asbestos Abatement permit application is required for all asbestos projects (residential, commercial, instituti…
Environment and Sustainability
Brownfield Redevelopment
What is a brownfield? Brownfields are abandoned or under-used industrial and commercial properties with actual or perceived contaminati…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Building Permit Requirements
Building Permit Requirement Guidelines All permits must now be submitted in digital format. To facilitate the approval of a building permi…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Building Permits
Building Permit ApplicationAll work, other than ordinary repairs subject to provisions of Section 102-105.3 of the Cook County Building…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Business Occupancy
Business OccupancyA building shall not be constructed or occupied, an existing building shall not be expanded or otherwise altered or o…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Contractor Registration
Contractor RegistrationNew(For all Electrical and Plumbing Contractor Registrations, see Electrical and Plumbing Contractor Registration Req…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning E-Permits
Electronic Permits-Apply Online! The Department of Building and Zoning is launching a new service for the residents and businesses located…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Multi Dwelling Units
Multi Dwelling RegistrationAny building that has more than four residential units including condominiums (NEWLY ADOPTED AS OF 2015 SEC102-10…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Payments
Online Payment Service The Department of Building and Zoning is now accepting payments for many of its services. Please make sure you have…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Residential Rental License
Cook County Residential Rental License Ordinance On June 29th 2016, the Cook County Board of Commissioners passed the Rental Dwelling Ordin…
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Vacant Building Ordinance
Cook County Vacant Building Ordinance - OnlineIf I own a vacant building in unincorporated Cook County, what do I need to do?
Building and Zoning
Building and Zoning Violations
Violation ProcessingProperties within unincorporated Cook County Property, when found to be in violation of the following:
Environment and Sustainability
Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) Program
The Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability’s (DES) free Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) program help…
Land Bank Authority
Buy Land Bank Property
The Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) is accepts pre-qualification applications from individuals and organization who are interested i…
Bureau of Economic Development
Clean Energy (CPACE) Program
The Cook County Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) program offers an innovative tool…
Transportation and Highways
Connecting Cook County - Long Range Transportation Plan
Long Range Transportation PlanCook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and the Cook County Board…
Transportation and Highways
Construction/Maintenance Permits
Construction/maintenance permits are issued by the Cook County Department of Transportation (Doth) and Highways Permits Division when any wo…
Environment and Sustainability
Demolition Permitting
Demolition PermittingTo complete a Cook County Demolition Application or Revision, please use the Department of Environment and Sustainabili…
Planning and Development
Disaster Recovery and Resilience - CDBG-DR
The U.S.
Land Bank Authority
Donate or Convey Land to the Land Bank Authority
The Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA) is accepting pre-qualification applications from individuals and organizations who are intereste…
Environment and Sustainability
Equipment Registration Permitting
Permits: All applications and payments shall be submitted through the new electronic permit processing portal for your Equipment R…
Office of the Chief Procurement Officer
Forms & Affidavits
Below are several Forms and Affidavits related to Doing Business with Procurement.
Environment and Sustainability
Healthy Homes for Healthy Families
Cook County Healthy Homes for Healthy FamiliesCook County has allocated $30 million to establis…
Bureau of Economic Development
Illinois Enterprise Zones
The Illinois Enterprise Zone Act was signed into law in 1982. The legislation established a statewide program that encourages economic growt…
Transportation and Highways
Lincoln Highway Industrial Corridor
Lincoln Highway Logistics Corridor Strategic PlanCompleted in August 2018, the Lincoln Highway Logistics Corridor Strategic Plan analyzed ho…
Bureau of Economic Development
Modular Homes Pilot Program
NOTE: This program has not yet officially launched. Please check back for updates!
Transportation and Highways
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is a federally mandated p…
Planning and Development
Planning and Development: Affordable Housing
The Freedom's Path development at the Hines VA Hospital in west suburban Cook County provides afforda…
Planning and Development
Planning and Development: No Cash Bid (NCB) Program
The Cook County No Cash Bid (NCB) Program is an economic development tool designed to assist municipalities, and other taxing districts, in…
Bureau of Economic Development
Property tax incentives
The Cook County Department of Planning and Development, which is within the Cook County Bureau of Economic Development, coordinates an array…
Transportation and Highways
Transportation Projects
Transportation ProjectsThe Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways oversees the planning, design and construction of vari…
Bureau of Asset Management
Vinecennes Sewer Project
The Cook County Bureau of Asset Management will soon begin an essential construction project to redirect sewer flow that runs underground al…
Bureau of Asset Management
Workplace Strategy and Design Guidelines (WS+D)
ALIGNING THE WORKPLACE TO SUPPORT COOK COUNTY’S MISSION, VISION, VALUES, AND GOALS Successful workplace design strategies look to future t…
Building and Zoning
Zoning Ordinance Administration
Zoning Ordinance AdministrationAdministration of the zoning ordinance shall be exercised through a person in the Department of Building and…