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Transportation and Highways
ADA Title II Transition Plan
In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways (DoTH) h…
Environment and Sustainability
Air Quality
The Department of Environment and Sustainability operates an air-monitoring network for particulate matters (less than 2.5 micrometer in dia…
Environment and Sustainability
ARPA Sustainability Initiatives
Environment and Sustainability
Asbestos Abatement Contractor Registration
Permits: You may apply for asbestos removal or demolition permits or submit reports online, using links in the menu to the right. However pr…
Environment and Sustainability
Asbestos Abatement Permitting
Asbestos Abatement PermitsAn Asbestos Abatement permit application is required for all asbestos projects (residential, commercial, instituti…
Environment and Sustainability
Bellwood Climate Resiliency Plan
Environment and Sustainability
Brownfield Redevelopment
What is a brownfield? Brownfields are abandoned or under-used industrial and commercial properties with actual or perceived contaminati…
Environment and Sustainability
Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) Program
The Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability’s (DES) free Businesses Reducing Impact on the Environment (BRITE) program help…
Environment and Sustainability
Certificate of Operation (COO)
About Certificates of Operation (COO)Please note that in accordance with Section 30-186 of the Cook County Municipal Code, “A current certif…
Environment and Sustainability
Clean Energy Plan
Cook County has already begun to feel the impacts of climate change and climate change will intensify issues that the region is already expe…
Environment and Sustainability
Climate Resiliency Planning
Climate Resiliency Planning for Communities Cook County allocated nearly $16 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to…
Environment and Sustainability
Conserve Cook County Pledge
Combating Climate Change: What Can You Do?Our region continues to face serious consequences of climate change.
Office of the President
Cook County COVID-19 Response Plan
From the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, President Preckwinkle and all of Cook County Government have worked tirelessly to protect the healt…
Environment and Sustainability
Demolition Permitting
Demolition PermittingTo complete a Cook County Demolition Application or Revision, please use the Department of Environment and Sustainabili…
Planning and Development
Disaster Recovery and Resilience - CDBG-DR
The U.S.
Bureau of Asset Management
DOC Demolition
Welcome to the information page for demolition of the Department of Corrections Divisions 1 and 1A.On this page, you can find the following…
Environment and Sustainability
Electric Vehicles
Cook County's Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Program Reduces Charging Deserts Cook County is launching an initiative to address electri…
Environment and Sustainability
Energy Efficiency
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has committed to reducing 80% of greenhouse gas emissions in Cook County by 2050. Based on…
Environment and Sustainability
Environmental Complaints
You may register environmental complaints for suburban and unincorporated Cook County by emailing or calling 31…
Environment and Sustainability
Environmental Justice
Cook County’s Department of Environment and Sustainability (DES) is establishing an environmental justice policy, which can help inform…
Environment and Sustainability
Equipment Registration Permitting
Permits: All applications and payments shall be submitted through the new electronic permit processing portal for your Equipment R…
Environment and Sustainability
Franklin Park Climate Resiliency Plan
Environment and Sustainability
Healthy Homes for Healthy Families
Cook County Healthy Homes for Healthy FamiliesCook County has allocated $30 million to establis…
Environment and Sustainability
Justice Climate Resiliency Plan
Environment and Sustainability
Liquid Hazardous Waste Reporting
Liquid hazardous waste reports for calendar year 2024 are due April 1, 2025. Liquid hazardous waste reports and the applicable fee shall be…
Environment and Sustainability
Lynwood Climate Resiliency Plan
Environment and Sustainability
Markham Climate Resiliency Plan
Environment and Sustainability
Municipal Waste, Recycling and Diversion Rates in Cook County
The Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability (DES) 2022 Municipal Waste Recycling and Diversion Rates Report documents the d…
Transportation and Highways
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) is a federally mandated p…
Environment and Sustainability
Open Burning Permit
Cook County government requires open burning permits in suburban and unincorporated Cook County to protect life, property, prevent forest fi…
Environment and Sustainability
Program Administrator Subrecipient Open Call
Program Administrator Subrecipient Open Call - How to Apply
Environment and Sustainability
Radon Awareness
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas released in rock, soil and water from the natural decay of uranium. While levels in outdoor a…
Environment and Sustainability
RainReady Green Infrastructure Plan Implementation for Calumet Area
Cook County allocated $6 million to reduce negative impacts caused from flooding by implementing RainReady, a program that helps people and…
Environment and Sustainability
Residential Solar Energy Installation Program
Cook County Sun and SaveCook County announced the reopening for applications to participate in the Co…
Environment and Sustainability
Solid Waste and Recycling Permitting
Solid Waste Technical Assistance for Municipalities: The Solid Waste Division will provide municipalities technical assistance in supporting…
Environment and Sustainability
Cook County is a world-class model of sustainability. The Department of Environment and Sustainability works to boost sustainability practic…
Environment and Sustainability
Temporary Equipment for Reprocessing of Construction and Demolition Material
Application requirements for a Temporary Rock Crusher permit are described in the Temporary Rock Crusher Permit Application and in…
Environment and Sustainability
Tier II Ordinance
The Cook County Tier II Ordinance requires owners or operators of facilities in suburban Cook County…
Transportation and Highways
Transportation Projects
Transportation ProjectsThe Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways oversees the planning, design and construction of vari…
Environment and Sustainability
Waste Reduction and Recycling
Updated Cook County Solid Waste Management PlanIn July 2024, the Cook County Department of Environment and Sustainability (DES) updated…