President Preckwinkle Joins Congresswoman Kelly, USACE and Village of Dixmoor to Announce Completion of Dixmoor Watermain Infrastructure Improvement Project

(Dixmoor, IL) - Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, along with Congresswoman Robin Kelly, representatives from Senator Duckworth’s office, the Army Corps of Engineers and the Village of Dixmoor, gathered today to announce the completion of the Dixmoor Watermain Infrastructure Improvement Project. The project addresses long-term water issues in Dixmoor, which began in 2021 after multiple main breaks resulted in the failure of the water distribution system, leaving Dixmoor without a reliable water supply. The total project cost amounted to $3,026,166.

“We are deeply grateful to Congresswoman Kelly, the Army Corps of Engineers and all our partners for their commitment to ensuring that Dixmoor residents have access to reliable and safe water," said Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. "This project is a testament to what we can accomplish when federal, county and local governments work together to address critical infrastructure needs. However, there is still much work to be done. We will continuee to advocate for additional federal resources to improve vital water infrastructure, not only in Dixmoor, but across all under-resourced communities in Cook County."

The Build Up Cook program, under the Cook County Bureau of Asset Management, partnered with the Village of Dixmoor to address the ongoing water distribution system issues. After understanding the most critical infrastructure needs and funding challenges, the Village and Cook County partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers. Work on the project began in spring of 2023 and was completed earlier this summer.

“This project would not have happened without the hard work, the dedication and the commitment to the residents of Dixmoor from everyone gathered here today for this ribbon cutting,” said Dixmoor Village President Fitzgerald Roberts. “While we still have a lot of work to do, there is no question we are getting closer to the permanent solutions we need to ensure reliable water service in our community. On behalf of the residents of Dixmoor, I thank the state, federal and county leaders, and our amazing staff in Dixmoor for all of their hard work on this project.”

The project included replacing an existing 8-inch water main with approximately 4,400 feet of new 12-inch main from Seeley Avenue (south of 139th Street), running south under the I-57 overpass and extending east to 143rd Street. In addition, five existing water mains were capped throughout the area. The installation of new, larger pipes and the capping of existing, inaccessible and aging mains will result in increased water pressure and system reliability, and prevent water loss throughout the Village.

Cook County provided the 25% local match ($721,666) needed to secure Army Corps assistance through the Section 219 program of the Water Resources Development Act. Dixmoor Mayor Fitzgerald Roberts advocated for federal funding​ throughout the process and played a key role in engaging with partners. Congresswoman Kelly secured $2 million in FY23 federal funding appropriation through the 219 program.

"One of the greatest challenges faced by communities nationwide is an aging public water infrastructure. When the water distribution system failed in Dixmoor three years ago, residents went without clean water for two weeks," said Congresswoman Robin Kelly. "I am proud to have secured federal funding to improve Dixmoor's watermain infrastructure and prevent future main breaks. Residents of Dixmoor, and every American, deserve clean and reliable water."

Senator Duckworth has also been working closely with the Build Up Cook program to understand Cook County infrastructure needs and to align support for funding. 

“Every American—regardless of their race, income or zip code—deserves to know that the systems that carry and process the water they use every day are safe, clean and reliable,” Senator Duckworth said in a statement. “This is why I worked so hard to have my Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act included in President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and why I will continue to advocate for greater investment from the federal level to update our local water infrastructure. I’m pleased to see these updates completed here in Dixmoor, and I look forward to continuing to ensure more investments like these are benefitting communities like Dixmoor throughout Cook County and our entire state.” 


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