Business Enterprise Development - Compliance

Service Information

What We Do

  • Compliance Officers set MBE, WBE and DBE Contract goals on Cook County and Cook County Health contracts $25,000 dollars or more.
  • Compliance Officers also monitor contracts to ensure MWBE & DBE Compliance as it relates to the MWBE Ordinance. Monitoring entails making sure MWBE Certified vendors are being used properly on contracts and paid accordingly.
  • Compliance Officers review utilization plans to ensure all County contracts meet the established goals or evaluates when a waiver of the goal(s) is appropriate.
  • Compliance Officers participate on a waiver team to review, approve, and/or deny a Vendor's Good Faith Efforts Waiver Request.
  • Compliance Officers work with County User departments to promote the program and assist qualified M/W/DBE firms to connect with contracting opportunities.

Note: DBE is only on Federally Funded Contracts

Helpful Tips 

To ensure Compliance with the M/WBE Ordinance and to remain compliant on any active Cook County contracts M/WBE vendors should: 

  • Make sure to keep certifications up to date 
  • Make sure to respond to all communications within the DMS system from both the prime vendor and the Office of Contract Compliance
  • Use the reviews module if there is ever a discrepancy with an active contract
  • Make sure to review the General Terms and Conditions of the contract