Temporary Equipment for Reprocessing of Construction and Demolition Material
Pursuant to Section 30-392 of the Cook County Environmental Control Ordinance (“the Ordinance”), a temporary reprocessing activities permit, also known as a Temporary Rock Crusher Permit, is required for the reprocessing, storage, transport and/or final usage of materials generated from construction and/or demolition.
Application requirements for a Temporary Rock Crusher permit are described on the Temporary Rock Crusher Permit Application portal and in the Ordinance.
To receive a Temporary Rock Crusher Permit:
1. Submit a Temporary Rock Crusher Permit Application and applicable fee on the online portal.
2. The permit application will be reviewed, and you will be notified if any changes are required prior to permit approval.
3. The Temporary Rock Crusher permit will be sent to permittees electronically via email. A valid email address must be supplied in order to receive information regarding the permit, including approved permits. All fees are non-refundable.
Note: A new Temporary Rock Crusher permit application is required if the equipment is moved to a new location not included in the current permit.
In addition to completing the application for a Temporary Rock Crusher Permit, an equipment registration permit (ER) and a certificate of operation (COO) are required for all reprocessing equipment used on-site as required under Sections 30-151 and 30-186 of the Ordinance. Information on obtaining an ER and COO is available here.
For questions, please call 312.603.8215 or email wasteandrecycling@cookcountyil.gov