Building and Zoning Bonds
Required Bonds
Bonds are required for demolition, demolition leveling, sign (billboard), private sewage disposal system, restoration performance (construction trailer), restoration performance (excavation, grading and foundation) and wireless telecommunication contractors. Bond forms are listed below and can be downloaded, completed and submitted with evidence of the power of attorney at the time of registration. Below is also a link to the list of currently authorized civil surety companies. (Sample Bond Form)
- Demolition Bond ($20K) Bond Demolition for Three Stories or Less
- Demolition Bond ($40K) Bond for Demolition for Four Stories or More
- Demolition and Leveling Bond ($500) Bond for Demolition/Leveling
- Sign (Billboard) Bond ($25K) Billboard or Sign
- Private Sewage Disposal System Bond ($10K) Sewage Bond
- Restoration Performance Bond (Construction Trailer) ($10K) Restoration Performance Bond - Trailer
- Restoration Performance Bond (Excavation, Grading and Foundation) ($10K) Restoration Performance Bond - Excavation
- Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Bond ($20K) Wireless Bond
List of currently authorized civil surety companies
Bonds are also required for construction of public facilities and infrastructure improvements as part of a Final Planned Unit Development (PUD) Approval. A construction performance bond shall be posted to guarantee construction of required infrastructure. The performance bond shall be payable to Cook County and be sufficient to cover the full cost of the facilities and improvements plus 15 percent.
Please note that each bond must be accompanied by a $2.00 recording fee, made payable to the Cook County Clerk (Money Order Only).