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Lobbyists were paid $1.46 million during the first half of 2013 as they attempted to influence Cook County elected officials and high-ranking employees, Cook County Clerk David Orr announced Tuesday. The 195 active lobbyists in Cook County earned $1
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle recently got a first-hand look at how a $25,000 energy savings grant from Cook County has helped benefit The Field Museum. Using Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant funds from the U.S.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle today kicked off a forum on benefits available to county employee veterans by emphasizing the commitment of her administration to helping vets navigate what can often be a confusing system of services avai
This July, as part of an ongoing effort to make its operations as green and economical as possible, the Forest Preserves of Cook County converted 16 new gasoline-fueled large riding lawn mowers to propane power. Most people already think of the Fore