
Recent News

The Oak Forest Heritage Preserve Master Plan is a comprehensive vision for the future development, public use, and long-term management of the Oak Forest Heritage Preserve.
It’s official—the Forest Preserve District of Cook County offers an equestrian landscape rich enough to transform a thumb-sucking novice into a world-class athlete.
Lobbyists were paid $1.15 million during the first half of 2012 as they attempted to influence Cook County elected officials and high-ranking employees, Cook County Clerk David Orr announced Tuesday. The 211 active lobbyists in Cook County earned $1
The Cook County Health and Hospitals System announced today that the independent governing board elected David Carvalho as Chair, and Jorge Ramirez as Vice-Chair of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System Board of Directors. “I would like to ext
Our hot and dry climatic conditions have been ideal for the development of disease vector mosquitoes, primarily Culex pipiens. This mosquito is the main vector of West Nile Virus (WNV) in our area.