
Recent News

Cook County Board President today presented her Executive Recommendation for the 2012 Budget to the Cook County Board of Commissioners outlining a budget proposal which reduces the budget by nearly 4%, makes long-term investments to address the struc
On Saturday, October 22nd from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm the Cook County Department of Environmental Control and Village of Homewood is sponsoring a free Prescription Drug Take-back program.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle attended a ribbon cutting in Summit, Ill.
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Mayor Rahm Emanuel today announced a new collaboration between the City of Chicago and Cook County, in which the two governments will work together to merge, reform and revitalize workforce development
Joined by Mayor Peloquin of Blue Island who hosted the Harvest Festival, President Preckwinkle spoke to a large crowd assembled at the Tommie Brown Sports Association in Blue Island, to kick-off the creation of the Cook County Urban Agricultural Netw