
Recent News

Today, the Cook County Board of Commissioners approved a balanced $8 billion FY2022 budget which equitably addresses the County’s ongoing pandemic response efforts while not increasing taxes or cutting critical services.
We are pleased with Fitch Ratings decision to upgrade Cook County’s ratings from A+ to AA- with a stable outlook. Furthermore, S&P also moved the outlook for the County to stable from negative and Moody’s reaffirmed its rating as well.
The Cook County Board of Commissioners approved funding this week to further transportation projects and initiatives led by the County’s Department of Transportation and Highways (DoTH).
As residents set clocks back one hour this weekend, the Cook County Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security (EMRS) urges residents to change the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors.
The Cook County Department of Revenue (DOR) and Bureau of Technology (BOT) were recently awarded a 2021 LocalSmart Award for Local IT Innovation of the Year b