
Recent News

Today, members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, healthcare professionals, and community leaders joined President Preckwinkle in supporting the Illinois Health Facilities and Services 7-1-1 decision to transform Oak Forest Hospital into a Re
A two-hour documentary set to air Thursday, August 18th on the Oprah Winfrey Network details the unique approach the Cook County Sheriff’s Office uses when handling prostitution cases and the efforts made to help those women turn their lives around.
Today, the Illinois Health Facilities and Services Review Board approved a request by the Cook County Health and Hospital Systems plan to transform Oak Forest Hospital into a Regional Outpatient Center.
Five months after the Cook County Sheriff’s Training Academy was certified as an eligible site for benefits under the G.I. Bill, nearly one-third of those cadets graduating today are U.S. military veterans, Cook County Sheriff Thomas J.
Justice Joy V. Cunningham of the Illinois Appellate Court will be one of a number of speakers at the Women's Equality Day event on Friday, August 26th. Women's Equality Day celebrates the passage of the 19th Amendment to the U. S.