
Recent News

Lobbyists were paid nearly $1 million during the first half of 2011 as they attempted to influence Cook County officials, although the number of reported contacts dropped by nearly 10 percent, Clerk David Orr announced Monday. The 178 active lobbyis
From the Cook County Department of Environmental Control: Persons with heart or respiratory ailments are advised to limit activities and remain indoors. Participants in the Partners for Clean Air Program are requested to initiate their activities.
From the Cook County Department of Environmental Control: Today, Wednesday, July 20, 2011, has been declared an Air Pollution Action Day.  An Air Pollution Action Day is declared when weather conditions are such that levels of ozone/particulate matt
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle issued the following statement supporting Sheriff Tom Dart’s recent public comments on the Cook County Jail system.
Cook County Clerk David Orr issued 831 civil union licenses during June, the first month civil union licenses were issued in Illinois. It's thrilling to see so many happy couples getting licenses and celebrating their relationships, Orr said.