
Recent News

As part of an ongoing commitment to transparency and helping residents better understand office operations, Cook County Sheriff Thomas J.
By March 1, 2011, all businesses in unicorporated Cook County will be required to hold a General Business License, or GBL.
Cook County Commissioner Edwin Reyes and the Cook County Commission on Women's Issues join forces on Tuesday March, 29th to sponsor Hurting in Silence, Breaking the Barrier, an anti-bullying seminar. The event, which runs from 1 pm to 3 pm, will ta
On Monday, March 28th at 6:30 PM at the Copernicus Center located at 5216 West Lawrence Avenue, Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Michael M.
From Medical News Today, March 21, 2011: The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is awarding researchers at the Cook County Health & Hospitals System and Rush University Medical Center a $2 million grant to continue a succes