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Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, Finance Chairman John Daley and Cook County Board Commissioner Deborah Sims on Monday delivered on a promise to help 13 municipalities with targeted economic development projects through the Cook County N
Seven young men charged with non-violent crimes who were just a few credit hours away from receiving their high school diplomas will receive them today after finishing course work online at the Cook County Jail, Sheriff Thomas J.
WHEREAS, in the month of March we celebrate women’s history and women’s ongoing struggles to build a better world; and
On December 6, 2010 Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle was sworn into office. A day later, she released her transition report, with 37 initiatives for transforming Cook County.
A Cook County Sheriff’s Police officer on routine patrol assisted in the emergency delivery of a baby, Sheriff Thomas J. Dart announced Monday. Officer Michael Kizaric was in the process of conducting a traffic stop around 4 p.m.